Joyful Series
This series of paintings communicates feelings and reasons for joyfulness. The individual paintings are unique yet use cohesive visual elements.
I am joyful every day that I paint, however, many things bring me joy. Included are the joys that we all celebrate—love, human connection, play, and important life events.
I am joyful every day that I paint, however, many things bring me joy. Included are the joys that we all celebrate—love, human connection, play, and important life events.
Size: 12x12
Medium: Acrylic, collage on canvas
Price: $300 + shipping

A Day in the Park
Size: 20x20
Medium: Acrylic/collage on canvas
Price: $900 + shipping
Size: 20x20
Medium: Acrylic/collage on canvas
Price: $900 + shipping

Title: "Linked by Likeness I" Title: "Linked by Likeness II"
Size: 12x36 Size: 12x36
Medium: Acrylic, collage on canvas Medium: Acrylic, collage on canvas
Price: $900 + shipping Price: $900 + shipping
The concept behind the paintings Linked by Likeness I and II is “It takes a village”. This rings true for all of us. Community is needed for connection to other humans. Sharing experiences with like-minds generates a feeling of well-being. It could be within a village, club, neighborhood, religion, tribe, team, or even a social media group. It feels comforting to have common connections, and that brings us joy.
“We cannot live for ourselves alone. Our lives are connected by a thousand invisible threads, and along these sympathetic fibers, our actions run as causes and return to us as results.” ...Herman Melville